Thursday, July 31, 2008

See ZuperQuirk!

I'm participating in a photography collaboration group that's currently up and running... Check it out!

ZuperQuirk is 6 photographers from various locations on the globe, creating challenging monthly assignments. The complete information and bios are on the site. Every week there is a new set of photos and every month or bi-monthly there is a featured pdf of chosen photographs. At the end of the year we will publish a book of our work. We're very diverse in our styles so come check it out every week.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Queen of the Night...

I can not get enough of this aria... and watching someone sing it is truly amazing!

Here's a translation, though I can not vouch for it's accuracy.

The vengeance of Hell boils in my heart,
Death and vengeance flame around me!
If Sarastro does not through you, feel the pain of death,
Then you will be my daughter nevermore.
My daughter nevermore.
Then you will be my daughter nevermore.

Disowned may you be forever,
Abandoned may you be forever, Destroyed be forever
All nature's bonds be forever severed
If through you, Sarastro does not meet his end!
Hear Gods of Revenge,
Hear a mother's vow.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, "The Magic Flute" - Royal Opera House production

Diana Damrau as Queen of Night
Dorothea Röschmann as Pamina

conducted by Colin Davis

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Blurring the Boundries

Friends and family: if you want to carpool or caravan, let me know.

The City of Lancaster Museum/ Art Gallery presents:

Blurring the Boundaries:
Exploration and Experimentation in Contemporary Photography

July 12- August 24, 2008
Opening Reception July 12, 2008 from 12-4pm

Showcasing artists who work with photography by exploring and exploiting photographic materials and techniques for creative ends, this exciting exhibit will explore the new and diverse experimentation of technology and camera made images. The show will encourage viewers to investigate photography’s artistic influence and contributions to our visual culture and will provide the viewer with a unique photographic experience beyond the realm of traditional photography.

Jaylene Armstrong, Nicholas Bale, Marilyn Dalrymple, Kelly Fernandez, Valerie Freeman, Tom Harden, Charles Hood, Fred Hood, Jason Hughes, Neil King, Mike Mitsch, Todd Niebling, Larissa Nickel, Peter Novak, Sean O’Gara, Matthew Pillsbury, Regina Reese, Robert Kawika Sheer, ShadowOfLightProject, Ron Spees, Patricia, Dale and Wendy Ware, Dean Webb, Susan Weber, Wes Wheeler, and Edwin Vasquez

Special Events:
Saturday, July 12:
1pm Artist Talk: ShadowOfLightProject
2pm- Lecture: History of 3D Photography by Milt Stark

City of Lancaster Museum/ Art Gallery
44801 N. Sierra Hwy
Lancaster, CA 93534

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

One Time: I saw this at Disneyland

"Peanuts" from my brother.

My brother, Peter sent me this in a snail mail. Isn't snail mail fun!? It tickled me.

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