Monday, May 29, 2006

Yogyakarta --Indonesia

The earthquake in Indonesia is heartbreaking. These people are very poor and many are barely getting by, it seems. Please help if you can. WORLD VISION seems to be a good place to start.

Here's a photo from the market in Yogyakarta.

I'm now trying out the photo website...

I like the size feature. You can actually see the images pretty big.

Of course, I still have nice selections on the shutterfly site...

Please note the Pramaban pictures too. I am not sure how much damage that site endured but it is an extremely interesting and beautiful place.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

Parung Photos

Here's a photo of a young newlywed couple in Parung, who stopped us to "practice English" and take our photos. They were very cute and sweet.

I'm trying out a different photo place... Limited to how much you can put up in a month... Of course I didn't read how to do anything on the site... I just loaded up a few pictures and hoped for the best. I see where you can get to a place to see the photos rather large though... that's why I like it. "It" is
click on the title to go to flickr page


Friday, May 19, 2006


So I finally got some other pictures up. They are from Bogor.

Does anyone know a better place to display pics online... something that allows a little larger image area??? I'd use the site but it takes up a lot of disk space that I have to pay for. Plus I use that for transferring work files. Any suggestions would be great.

So click on the title above for the link to my shutterfly site, for now.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Fine Lad From Jakarta!

He's going to make a GREAT SCREEN SAVER!!!

How could you have a bad day with Mr. Jakarta smiling at you all day?


Balinese Healers

Here's a photo of some of my Balinese Healing team (and me in the middle, smiling!). I will insert her name and info later... Martin has it right now with my travel journal. The healer is the woman on the far right and that's her adorable daughter in front. The young men are all her assistants and they all work on you at the same time! More details later.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fried Food in Jakarta!

My younger brother, Peter, mentioned fried food from the vendors of the streets of Jakarta. I just came across this photo. I just remembered all the photos I stored on my iPod! Man-o-man... I have a ton of pictures to go through. So enjoy these tidbits while they slowly feed online.

Don't forget... you can click on the photo for a closer look!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006


From Gede-Pangrano volcanoes Natl. Park... photo one: my vantage point at the top.
Photo two: telephoto detail. Click on pictures for larger view.

Long story behind this hike up Gede volcano. I was way too out of shape to have done this hike with pleasure... Actually it was great up until the hike back down... in the pouring rain... with shaky legs... God- they were killing me.

I had never seen a huge hot springs water fall before. It's an amazing thing though. Not easy to photograph though. Not easy to cross either... especially with shaky legs. Poor Brian. He needs a better, in shape friend to do these hikes with.

But here's the top of Gede. Maybe it looks a bit like the erupting Mt. Merapi... before it erupted. The yellow stuff is sulfur. It's very stinky, like rotten eggs.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mt. Merapi Erupts!

If you take a look at some of the pictures I posted of Boroburdur, you will notice that there is a volcano in the distance in some of the photos. That is Mt. Merapi. It must be really amazing to see NOW from the Buddhist site!

Click title for link to Merapi story...


Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Few Borobudur Pictures Are Up...

This is Borobudur. Central Java, Indonesia. April 2006
click it for a larger view...

Click on the title for a link to Borobudur... very early in the morning... so beautiful!

Here are some others... remembering Martin!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


OK- Sorry, but I couldn't help but share this adorable man I briefly met in Bali, just outside of Ubud. Come on! Cute? I think so too, however, after I took the photograph of him, he asked me for a kiss. Uuuuuuh, no. He's not THAT cute! When I first spotted him he was climbing up a embankment with a load of coconuts in two baskets! Strong guy!

Go ahead... click the picture and see his lovely smile up close!


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back from a Month in Indonesia

Wow. What a great trip. So many things to say about it. I mainly went to Java (West and Central Java) and Bali. I have to say Bali was my favorite but Java holds so many treasures yet to be explored. Because transportation is so difficult there, it was difficult to get to many of the sites I would have still loved to explore. Something to look forward to in the future, I suppose.

Highlights of Java were definitely the Hindu site, Prambanan and the Buddhist site, Borobudur in Central Java. However, I ate some amazing food that I'll never forget and will miss here in the US from the Bogor area.

For the most part the people I met along the way on both islands were amazing and nice and giving and generally incredibly happy people. No matter how poor they were, they have such an amazing outlook on life it seems and I hopefully, took something from that.

There are many photos to come but here are a couple of not necessarily the best or worst... just some boys from Bogor and an old woman we met in a rice paddie in Bali.
